I think I have had a premonition. Yes, I believe in those. Especially when it comes to my dreams. Why dream if you aren't going to let it come true?
Anyway, last night I dreamed I was a proud pregnant little monkey selling turnips from a roadside stand in Mexico. I woke up with same feeling you are most like likely having right now as you read this. Amused, but not quite comfortable.
Now, I often dream I am a little pregnant monkey selling things. (Sometimes I wish I made this stuff up, but I swear on Aunt Grace it is true). But never is this proud pregnant little monkey in Mexico.
Howler and spider monkeys of southern Mexico have not escaped the impact of human activity upon their habitats. If you can't beat them...join them.
I have been in Mexico plenty of times and I would like to tell you there are no monkeys selling tulips along the roadside....they sell Canel's gum.
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