Monday, February 1, 2010

Blink Once For "Yes"...Twice For "Maybe"

Now - I am not how the afterlife works (duh), but if there is an option for reincarnation for yours truly, I hath made my decision - I will return to Planet E. as a local news anchor. Think about it. They are magnificent creatures that hold incredible skills. I long to be one of these local celebrities. One moment, with a blank stare, I would tell in grim detail about a murder (and I mean every last detail), and then with a blink of the teleprompter move on with a glistening smile to report how Snookie, the amazing local cat that just quit smoking, won a bird eating contest by the river. How awesome?

More than life itself, do I long to do a verbal hand off to my field reporter, "Now to Tom, who is live on the scene."

1 comment:

Bloomsbury said...

Hubert I blinked a long once....Yes! Finally a news anchor I can trust. But knowing your fate of eventual mishaps my friend might smile while telling of a murder and grimace at the story of a little old lady turning 100.