Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Bear With Me.............

Now bear with me. I like that phrase. Also, my high degree of self awareness tells me it may apply a couple of times throughout this posting. Totally indulgent. Now bear with me.

I think I have a new person to love. A neighbor. I have been thinking I should work on developing a deep and meaningful friendship with this person. A sort of - "don't-even-worry-about-knocking-and-help-yourself-to-the-cup-of-sugar-you-can-always-borrow-and-don't-feel-obliged-to-share-what-you-are-cooking-because-we-are-such-good-friends-we-don't-always-have-to-share" kind of relationship. The only problem is I have no idea what this person even looks like. Now bear with me.

What I do know (and deeply admire) - is he/she eats up to ten packages of Nabisco Chips Ahoy chocolate chip cookies a week. How the H do I know this? Now bear with me. Tuesday is trash day. I walk by this awesome, bold person's house every morning for my dog's morning defecation. He/she - EVERY TUESDAY has a CLEAR trash bag (in no trash can...just a bag on the curb) ready for pickup with items I have not inspected, as well as 7 - 10 empty packages of Nabisco Chips Ahoy chocolate chip cookies. Every week. Thus, not only does he/she eat over 14o cookies a week, he/she wants the world to know.

Looking for the definition of Hubert's new best friend - refer to sentence above.

Thank you for bearing.


Anonymous said...

Hubert...are there milk jugs too? You can't trust a person if they don't have milk with their cookies.

mg said...

Any unapologetic friend of Chips Ahoy would be my friend too.

Bloomsbury said...


Cookie Monster???