Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It Takes Juan to Know Juan

The refrigerator - it tells a story about each and everyone of us. Our hopes. Our dreams. If one were to analyze my refrigerator, and the contents of, they would deduce I must be a crazy scientist...that must travel frequently - spreading my science knowledge regarding what condiments do when they have long past their prime.

Considering there is a census coming up, it is a dream of mine to tag along and politely ask residents if I may peak in their fridge. For the common good. To know more about the state of our blessed Union. Hmmm.

In general, I don't care much about how the famous spend their minutes. Yet, here is a list of a few stars I would LOVE to take a peek inside their ice chests.

And in no particular order:

1. Carnie Wilson - You know that has to be interesting. Just has to.
2. Ricki Lake - Not quite as revealing as Carnie, but close. I would then do a compare/contrast of the two.
3. Bob Ross - If he was alive, of course. Now, you would think his would be predicable...but those often hold the best surprise half-eaten-by-a-spoon cans of frosting!
4. Alex Trebek - I would be lying if I said I didn't care what this Canadian hero had. What if he has American cheese? What if?
5. Ted Turner - I picture a Costco pack of hot dogs - to be eaten raw - at any moment.
6. Shelly Long - You know, from Cheers? Mainly to make her feel less forgotten.

1 comment:

Bloomsbury said...

I don't think they allow Carnie or Ricki to have a fridge, sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

I man of condiments you are...tell me why so much mayo?