So I am thinking about creating a signature color for myself. How great would it be when you see a color, for example we will use "green"...anyway, when you see green, you think - "that's Hubert!"?
I have been narrowing down what colors are left for me. And out of this rainbow connection, I have discovered a tiny selection. I am sticking prreeetty primary.
1. Black - Well kids, Johnny Cash pretty much owns that color. That gives me an idea though...I will write a song about my choice. Color choice + Song = Trademark!
2. Purple - Between Grimace and Barney, two vary rotund fellows, I do not want purple. And once again there is a song about "The Purple People Eater"...definitely on to something.
3. Yellow / Orange / Brown / White - all look terrible on me
4. Red - Is definitely in the running. Looks good on me. Only thing is it supposedly raises one's blood pressure. Not sure the science behind it, but I would hate to walk into a room and kill someone.
5. Blue - Also in the running. Just need a good song - that's not too bluesy (did someone spot a corny joke???!)
6. Pink - Red + White --- Dynamite.
I've missed you Hubert!!!
Hubert= Halaya ube
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