Monday, January 25, 2010

I Put The "Me" In Mediocre

I promise I will stop ranting tomorrow…but in risk of sounding like other blogs…..I had a realization today.

And I am afraid this blog might make me sound…well, a little under the mental weather. To rest your silly little fears, know I am completely with “it”…for whatever the “it” in this world counts for. I think there might be a penny war out there. Poor old Lincoln thought his fighting days were over…and they PULLED HIM BACK IN. What in the world am I talking about? I shall explain.

No one wants a penny anymore. Not for their loafers. Not for a thought. Nothing. They are stupid. Copper morons. So there is a fight to give a penny, give a penny. With this in mind, nothing ever costs an even amount…and for some reason my change always ends up with at least four pennies! I finally realized there was a war today when I ordered my grilled chicken combo meal, which came to $6.16. I paid in all pennies.

1 comment:

Bloomsbury said...

I saw a special on the news last night about candy stores that sell one piece of candy for a penny...and that the average person spends 2-3 dollars...

The store would have denied your method of paying with pennies, unless you would have wrapped them!!

Give a penny....take a penny....give a penny...take a penny...