Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Takes One To Snow One

I was approached by a coworker today who said, “I am organizing a cookie swap. Would you like to participate? You will have to bring 72 cookies.” Hmmm, 72. I couldn’t help but ask her, “Now, what happens to a swapper who brings 71?...or what if one breaks? Or even if somehow the dough wasn’t portioned just right, and someone ends up with 74?” Sometimes I don’t understand why my innocent questions get such daggery glares in return…and boy did I get one. Geez. So I decided it would be too much pressure to make 72 and told her I would let her know later (the work world’s “no”).

BUT if I were to bring 72 cookies to swap. I would surely bring fortune cookies.

1 comment:

Bloomsbury said...

That's what I'm talking about a cookie with some insight!!! Perfect just perfect.