Monday, March 1, 2010

A Little Diddy...

I was pulled over today. Clearly it was racial profiling. Okay, not clearly - because I have never quite gotten the hang of what that term means. Something to do with getting pulled over and airports. Anyway, I now have a complex regarding my driver's licence photo. Let's take a moment and leave my road side situation, and go back in time to the lovely DMV when I had that photo taken. I went to great lengths that day to prepare for the photo. Brushed teeth, hair, no lint on the shirt, etc. Practiced my smile. And I have indeed been proud of that preparation. The photo is a little gem. Or so I have thought until today, when the officer looked at it, laughed and laughed...laughed some more. Then let me go. That has to be some sort of profiling. Has to be.


Anonymous said...

Hubert, clear case for a Switzerland.

Bloomsbury said...

I think maybe you just need to start taking the bus....driving is clearly not for you.