I am thinking about purchasing a stop watch. Not sure if I want it to be an Olympic trainer necklace version or on the wrist.
Time is important (so I have been told). So I think I need to stop taking it for granted (again, so I have been told) - and be a little more careful with it. Really start measuring precious moments. I could get real satisfaction setting PR's, and knowing my speedier calculation of tips, finding the backslash on the keyboard, or matching my socks (not to mention tying the shoe laces!) is putting fresh, new seconds back into my dwindling earthly existence! Ready, set, go!!! ////////////
Think this stop watch idea may take a toll on your thumb, and after some time it actually may slow you down.
Hubert.... Olympic Trainer necklace version of course! Then maybe you could start wearing track suits 24/7, so the watch looks about right!! I think its the only logical step if you are going to do this thing correctly!!!!!
Wouldn't it be more fun if you just counted outloud during these "precious moments", i say priceless.
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