Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Early Worm Might Be a Centipede

I think I am going to start decorating for the holidays as soon as their respective decorations go on sale. Embrace the upcoming, soon-to-be seasons. Give Commercialism’s push the first falling domino for which it so desperately thirsts.

Since I just decided this – I realized I am WAY behind on Halloween. I have been denying myself candy corn and spider rings for weeks now! Not even sure if I have a chance to make Thanksgiving, but I might be just in time for Christmas!


Foodie44 said...

Hubert...Christmas decorations went up weeks ago, I think you may have to wait for Easter.......

Anonymous said...

"Sales" happen after the holiday so I am afraid you will never be able to decorate for any holiday. But if you want to push for this commercialism (makes me laugh during a Democratic leadership)go out and by some sort of appliance during the first week of November they claim no taxes.

Bloomsbury said...


You are aware that this would require that dreaded word "shopping" correct?