Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Make a Long Story Short - Cut Out the Middle Man

Ahhhh…the big but(t)s that surround us daily. That put halts in our slippery steps. I have been thinking of what to do about some of the big but(t)s in my life, and I think I am onto something…something resembling a bike, with a tiny seat, on a narrow road, moving quickly past the behind that all but(s) bring.

The biggest but(t)s in my life, in no particular order, or real reason to list them:

1. But why? ---

2. But MOMMMMMM! …not really applicable to me…at all, but I think about it at random moments when I want my way

3. I can’t believe it’s not BUTTER --- I, like the rest of America, just need to let this one go…just let it go

4. But out --- there’s always a nicer way to say this phrase…always

5. My overuse of the word “button,” such as “cute as a button,” or “great, there goes another button.”


Anonymous said...

But it wasn't me.

Foodie44 said...

“If ifs and but(t)s were candy and nuts, we’d all have a merry Christmas”