Saturday, October 3, 2009

My Heart = Location of My Home

Oh jeez...this business trip I am on with my coworkers (colleagues) is slowly painting a picture of how socially awkward I can be; this picture is possibly going to be masterpiece.

Last night I thought it would be a good idea to try and fit in (high five anyone?), so I was nodding my head away while the group of fellows were discussing all the grownup/current event/businessy things - like Steve Jobs, Health care, transatlantic flights, and Delaware. I felt my silence standing in the small crowd growing taller, so I blurted, yes blurted, "I wonder how many copies Barbara Streisand's new CD will sell?" Ugggghhh...oh Hubert. No one but me even knew she had a new CD. So basically, in addition to high fiving, I think I shall work on my knowledge and delivery of "hot topics." PBS - here I come!


Anonymous said...

Nice picture...why don't you start here Hubert, there is a self-test at the end of each week.

By the way, You would have been better off asking how many tickets they thought Michael Jackson's movie would sell. If you got no answers you could have just moonwalked away.

Foodie44 said...

Watch the "Joy of Painting" with a one Mr. Bob Ross on PBS!! That will instantly increase your hot topic knowledge! He might be the hippest guy to ever have a TV show!!!

Bloomsbury said...

I have had a very long day but you look a lot different than I remembered. Pardon me for saying but you look like a cross between Janet Reno and Elmer Fudd, hoping it is either just my very tired eyes or the LA smog invading your city.