Friday, October 2, 2009

Avoid Stepping on Cracks - Save Mothers' Backs

I decided should work on my relationships with coworkers. Colleagues. I think this weekend trip with a few of them will be the perfect place to put into effect a few of the tips I have learned in the book - How To Be Friendly In the Workplace, Come On, You Can Do It - Lighten Up - For Dummies.

One whole chapter is devoted to - duh - the high five. I have been slapping walls for practice. There is another chapter for the fist bump. I have also been punching walls. I hope my hotel neighbors aren't bothered.

Now, if only there were ways to practice when which is appropriate.

Oh, the fear of being left hanging.


Anonymous said...

Take it from the Obamas you want to stick with the high five, it seems the fist bump is more trouble than it is worth.

Foodie44 said...

Hubert... Can your next entry be a Vlog of your practices??????

Those hotel walls are thin, any holes yet? And if so are you going to repair them yourself? Just trying to get a feel for your handiness, pun intended!!!

Sharon said...

There is always the "Give me a tater!"..."Now some tots!"... "Now some fries!".... option. I'd work on the high five before you attempt this one though.

tater = bump
tots = knuckles only
fries = open up and wiggle your fingers

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should try the popular variation of the "Fist bump", the "Air Knucks". It's a "Fist bump" variation of an Air five. If two people are too far away to "pound it" they will engage in "Air Knucks" instead. Maybe with H1N1, this should be your choice instead.