Thursday, March 11, 2010

Spunky Bumper Sticker of the Day - "My Dog Has Class"

I don't really understand Girl Scout cookies. A woman I work with recently has been selling them for $7.00 a box. She also heavily pushes Mary Kay products. I am very unsure of her Girl Scout heritage, due to the fact she has no children nor is a child, nor claims to know any.

Anyway, I admit I have gained 11 pounds in 5 days due to the cookie intake. Her sales tactics have worked on Hubert! I made this discovery this morning, and said, "Nooooo" to the scale. Stepped off, then back on and said, "Nooooo" again. Then once more. I would say it is a broken lying slab of scalery, but coincidentally I found my favorite pair of work pants begging for the professional day's setting sun so they could unpeel themselves off my now, portly body. (dare you to try to read that sentence aloud more than once......linguistics!)

Do I plan to alter any habits to curb any further inflation? Maybe. Thin Mints?


Anonymous said...

Maybe this co-worker of yours is friends with your Chips Ahoy neighbor?

Bloomsbury said...

I read it three times in a row!