Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Filing A Complaint

This “Spring Forwarding” is doing anything but putting a spring in my step. What on earth? As each cell on my body is replaced by a more mature, homely looking cell, I come to realize despite how many tricks we humans play with time, none seem to be in my favor. Boy, am I whining today or what? Hmmm…good chance there is a “yes” to that question.

Any-who. This time change…it may be making my days longer, but at what cost?! I know, I know – it is only an hour; I will get it back in the fall. I always do. But believe me when you read these grumpily written words…For 6 months solid (or whatever the time frame is between clock changes) my insides will long for that hour back.

Heavy stuff, huh? Less sleep apparently makes me deep, so get used to it until the fall I guess.


Anonymous said...

or at least until you fall asleep again. Hopefully you don't blog in your sleep.

Bloomsbury said...

I am with you....longing for that hour.

mg said...

You are not alone. My mother, who shall remain anonymous, tuned her clock back instead of forward and thought it was 8 o'clock when it was 10, and she thought that the television station she was tuned to was confused. She couldn't face losing that hour.