Thursday, November 5, 2009

Keep a Safe Social Distance

In today's post, I am doing two things I seldom do...or plan on doing. #1, The title actually relates to the post. #2, touching on a current event. I know you have been doodling in your minds the wonderment of why I don't love writing about current events...but avoiding such nasty subjects is the only way I might ever be current. Feel better?

Yet today while reading a poster on the office wall about how to "Avoid the H1N1 Virus" - I took one of HR's carefully calculated bullet points especially to heart. "Stay away from crowds, and keep a safe social distance." Safe social distance? As opposed to those slippery, slopey unsafe social distances? Hmmmm....bear hugs.

In an instant this ham hock virus sign changed my entire outlook on my exact coordinates, and how they related to everyone else. Then it all became eerily clear - maybe I should start living a little more on the dangerous side...


Anonymous said...

Have fun on the dangerous side...wear this for fun

Foodie44 said...

What about social networking??????