This video really made me think. All these years...since basically birth, I was completely unaware I was miserably failing at both sneezing and coughing. Miserably. Oh well. The video made no mention regarding addressing when someone else sneezes or coughs. What a cliffhanger!
I have decided to electronically mail HR this question:
When someone properly sneezes, what is the proper response?
a. Skat!
b. ACHOO, you too!
c. Bless you
d.God Bless You!
e. or the awkward silence of Does this person expect me to recognize the fact he just sneezed?
Arsenio would say "Hoop Schwoop Schwoop!"
I know how to find water with just a stick.
First off a "Stick in the Mud" prays for less rain and not as much dirt! Who WANTS to be a Stick in the Mud!!
Hubert being in HR I can answer this question for you! The proper response is to toot a little then wink at the coughie!!!!! This way you aren't offending the non-religious AND there is no awkward silence!!
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