Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Fat Chance is Better Than Skinny Chance...Any Day

Push the envelope. I think I am going to start doing it. I just need to figure out exactly what it means, and then I am all over it. I think it is a good thing...maybe?

Today in a meeting about meetings and charts and graphs, I was called upon for my thoughts: "Hubert, what do you think?" To be honest, I was thinking about whether or not I wanted a canned Dt. Pepsi or a bottled Dt. Coke. I actually wanted a canned Dt. Coke, but we don't have those in the office. I don't get it. Anyway, I knew they probably didn't want to hear about the current debate inside my head, so instead I replied, "Well, Sir, I think the pie chart tells the whole story." To which the Sir says, "Hubert, that's great. I agree. You really know how to push the envelope." I do? It took every fiber of my being to keep from asking what envelope, and was this envelope addressed, and to whom...not to mention if there was a chain letter inside??? Instead, I nodded and said, "Yes, Sir...prrreeetttyyyy much." For the record, that is the first time I have ever uttered that phrase that way. But from what I could tell, it also pushed the envelope.


Stushie said...


Foodie44 said...

I wonder how much Dt. Coke an envelope can hold???

Bloomsbury said...

H.B., who do you have to push to get canned Diet Coke around there?