Saturday, November 21, 2009

Chew On This - But Don't Choke

The Christmas Parade - This year I vow to try and understand the appeal. It mystifies me how newspapers are dying, but yet not dragging the Christmas parades down with them. Ever since I participated in my hometown's parade - as part of the 8th Grade Marching Instrumental Comb Band - the parades scatter my reasoning skills annually. Even camping makes more sense.

Questions I seek to resolve:
1. The waving - I admit it is my favorite part...I don't really have a question about it. Maybe just why can't some of the marching band members wave? I did in my comb band.
2. How is it some Christmas parades are before Thanksgiving parades? Try explaining that one to a child. Or me.
3. Why have I never heard of another parade, ever, with a Marching Instrumental Comb band?
4. And the most important and obvious question...Shouldn't some of the floats serve food? I mean,'s 2009.


Foodie44 said...

I was in a comb band once..... We had a combist, a jugist, and someone who plucked a string!

Anonymous said...

I was in the Raleigh Parade did you see me?

Bloomsbury said...

I am choking...I find parades as exciting as fairs...why either exists I have no idea.

mg said...

I totally agree about parades. Why stand four-deep to watch people walk or ride down the street? Bizarre.
The food idea would definitely add interest; chocolate dipped bacon and deep-fried Twinkies would lure me out in the freezing November wind.