Monday, November 2, 2009

Be Sure to Keep Your Wishy's Washy

Special moments in time – slivers of life – when you realize you still have the ability to wish. Moments like when you are on the stationary bike at the gym in your office building – on the bike that does not always change levels/gears, but you discovered if you pick it up by the handlebars and drop it really hard then it kicks back in, but that has made for some awkward moments of explaining why you are dropping the bike and #2, how you discovered dropping the bike fixed the problem. These are precious moments on this bike, while having your speed involuntarily fluctuate and watching the gym’s television that surprisingly has satellite reception (what?). You time your bike ride just right, so you can catch the Game Show Network’s afternoon broadcast of Jeopardy reruns (oh, how handsome Alex manages to stay). Then you realize when the two women from your office join in beside you, and are now making too much noise on the elliptical machines for you to hear the Jeopardy answers, the remote is beside the TV. If you get up to turn up the volume, then your workout might time out – much less the bike’s speed might never recover. So you can either just read the questions and forever wonder if you were right, or start listening to these women talk breathlessly about their weekends. You settle for eavesdropping, and then realize that despite their panting descriptions, their weekends were still booorrriiinnggg…you look longingly back to Alex whom is mouthing something arrogantly to the contestants. It is in these special times you realize you wish…wish ever so mightily….that you had go-go gadget arms.


Foodie44 said...

I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller......
I'll get you next time Gadget!!!!

Anonymous said...

I would have wished for a servant …the endless possibilities.

Bloomsbury said...

Or you wish for an extra shoe and good aim.