Thursday, November 25, 2010

Shout out to the BIRD

(Feelin' sassy today)

Thanksgiving is quite possibly the best thing we have made up in this great land of the USA. I know this isn't an original thought or post for the day, but it would disrespectful those pillygrams and indyuns (there's my new accent) if I didn't mention how we have carried forth all their sacrifices.

What makes Thanksgiving so awesome: 
1.  For starters, despite all of Canada's efforts to one-up Thanksgiving, they never can quite get there.  (yeah, that's called taunting)
2. Its nickname is "Turkey Day" - there is no other day of the year that's nickname is for what is to be eaten and that is A-O-Merican, which I am PTB (umm, proud to be, if you are a little slow).
3. "Thanks" - when said from the heart, is one of the top three words in our language. Actually, when said with sarcasm from the heart it can be pretty darn effective, too.  Yep, no matter what you can't go wrong with "thanks" (giving on the other hand - circumstantial for sure)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Living in a VIDEO World

If you can't tell by my last two posts, I have really gotten into YouTube.  Like I know people have been looking at it for years now.  I know, I know.  I'm a YouTube late bloomer.  So sue me.  It's not like I haven't "been there, done that," with other cool trends - like scrap booking and cock fighting and don't forget all my scarves. 

Where is this going????!!!!  No where, so get off my back! 

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Special Dedication

 Remembering someone's birthday, sometimes even your own, can be a challenge ... (insert joke about the day after)

 Now to all those born on this day November 23rd, please take time to learn this:

Monday, November 22, 2010


Now, what's all this "Streisand out" and "Dr. Oz in" business all about?  Well, another day I will officially discuss my outing, let's focus in the inning ... this man makes a difference people.  A DIFFERENCE.

Ways Dr. Oz is better than Barbara Streisand:
1. Dr. Oz uses way more interactive props
2. Oz is a way better name.  I mean it's a dream land and a prison show
3. Oprah's Dr. vs. Oprah's "special guest" ... which one would you rather perform heart surgery on you?  Huh?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

If You've Tried Counting Sheep...


Saturday, November 20, 2010

It's Been a While, Eh?

Just when you get that feeling I'ma gone-a foreva (picked up a random accent since I've been gone.  Use it randomly).  I'ma bock.

So what's been happening in my life?  Has it gone anywhere?  Well, maybe.  I found the owner of a lost bike a couple of months ago.  It was so scared.  Ummm, I've almost decided to start making good on certain promises.  Really making progress in that area. 

Here's what's cooking in my life in list format:

1. Barbara Streisand out - Dr. Oz in
2. Have continued learning to never, ever doubt the way of an Asian is cooler
3. The bad economy really ruined my follow up to the snuggie idea - the snuggie/huggie (included a diaper)