Sunday, May 23, 2010

Drip, Drip, Drop, Drop

Drip, drip, drip, drip..."Good morning HUBERT!" said my leaky ceiling a few hours ago. Sigh. Right over my bed at that. What on Earth?

This moment has inspired a list of 3 strange wake ups I am in the mood to share (consider today a little "get to know me post") -
1. 7am on a Sunday- Water dripping on my head - which is stranger - that I have water dripping on my head at 7am, or my upstairs neighbor has a source of overflowing water residing over my bedroom? It's a isn't where her bathroom is, or kitchen, maybe a secret garden???
2. 6:22am on a Saturday - Two large women pounding on my door - they are inquiring about the snakes for sale??? No, I do not own nor ever will own a snake, much less sell it.
3. 10:33am on a Tuesday - I had overslept on a workday 4 hours. Oops.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Box it UP

Got it. Got it. Got it. Got it. If you will please refer to yesterday's post...I have been thinking hard during stop-and-go traffic about how to end the phrase "Think outside the box." Stupid box. Inside. Outside. Thinking. I am done with that phrase! So I figured out a plan.

Prepare is getting ready to get hotter than ever in Hubertland!

What scares people that think around boxes???? Being politically incorrect! Dare I write the word...racist? Just watch a box thinker squirm when you ask him to describe his favorite Cosby episode! plan? I am on a mission to spread the word that "Think outside the box" is racial slang! Sheer genius.

I picture the conversation like this:
Box Thinker: Hubert, really try thinking outside the box.
Box Thinker: That you need to really think outside the box.
Hubert: Excuse me, but do you know what you are saying? That's really racist language. I am offended.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Burn that Box

Two things kept me very occupied on my stop-and-go drive home today...

1. My undying wish to end all uses of the phrase, "Think outside the box."
2. Puzzlement regarding why the teeny Indian man in the beautiful, brand new red Porsche beside me was so, so, so close to the steering wheel looking so, so, so afraid.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


A favorite quote of mine has always been, "To express oneself, you have to first be yourself." It really defines how I feel. Okay, I really just made that quote up and the sentence after. Beautiful and inspiring nonetheless. Want me to do another?

Selflessness takes the less out of self.

Ok, now that I have or have not your attention...Lately I have taken up philosophy, meditating, and eating more raw as well as lightly sauteed carrots. The results? Definitely better eyesight.

Thus, I will leave you with a few things I saw last week, then thought about, and finally had to take a deep breath...
1. A moving truck with, "Movers Not Shakers" on the side going at least 53 mph over a speed the point it got air.
2. A fellow on a motorcycle that had a handicap license plate.
3. At an exit ramp, a "little person" running full speed into nearby woods.

Things are heating up!